
In 1998 Reginald Verhofstede started coaching C²RM implementations on a self-employed basis.  Since 2002 the focus is on successfully coaching organisations to become more "customer-oriented".

  • C²RM Team Coach since 1998.
  • Trainer of the model: "Leading without ordering." - Vandendriessche, F.
  • Certified "Socratic moderator" - "Socratisch gespreksleider" - Bolten, H. & Van Rossem, K.
  • Recognised consultant within the scope of the SME portfolio.


As a CRM Team Coach I did a good job when:

  • what and not who becomes the guiding question
  • Employees want instead of must
  • we evolve from breaking (efficient) to binding (effective).

In short: "What do we want?"

Reginal Verhofstede

Het gaat pas echt werken als een team besluit het voor zichzelf te doen.

Voor die motivatie zorgen wij.

Reginald Verhofstede
Erkend advies en opleidingsverstrekker