Starting point

Different customer expectations,  a renewed product and/or service offering, mergers on the market. Changing business conditions require an appropriate answer. The C²RM Workshop ensures that you and your team are ready to provide that answer.

Natural preference as a basis for growth 

The C²RM Workshop starts from the natural preference of your organisation. After all, many processes lie behind and between people co-operating with one another. Mapping these processes clarifies the natural preference of your organisation and/or your employees.

This preference can be compared with the preference for our left or right hand. Everyone is either left- or right-handed, but this does not stop us from using our other hand when the situation calls for it.

The C²RM Workshop helps you to better understand these processes and reveals your natural preference. For an organisation that wants to co-operate more and better, this may result in a successful growth and permanent deepening.

These are the three natural preferences that companies connect with:

  1. The Proces oriented organisation
  2. The Product oriented organisation
  3. The Relationship oriented organisation

The Proces oriented organisation

“You are customer 3316. Expect our delivery in the course of next week.”

The natural preference of a product-oriented organisation goes out to internal procedures. The employees look at and assess the organisation from (the viewpoint of) the organisation. In this type of organisation you did a good job when you handle questions from customers with a minimum of costs and time.

What throws a product-oriented organisation off balance?

  • he arrival of a competitor 
  • customer questions deviating from procedures
  • changing habits

How can a product-oriented organisation grow?

  • focus on improving the customer relationship
  • improve the sales organisation

The Product oriented organisation

“Save up to 30% off your phone bill. Do not miss this opportunity, order now!“

The natural preference in this type of sales-oriented organisation focuses on one’s own offering. The team looks at the potential customer from its own organisation. In a customer-oriented organisation you did a good job when you quickly win many new customers. Customer questions that require more time and attention frustrate the team. Sometimes there is a competitive atmosphere between the team members themselves.

What throws a customer-oriented organisation off balance?

  • when the customer demand requires departments to co-operate well
  • when prices drop
  • when customers complain

How can a customer-oriented organisation grow?

  • improve the internal organisation
  • focus on improving the customer relationship

The Relationship oriented organisation

“What else did you expect from us and we did not deliver? We will do so!”

The natural preference in a relationship-oriented organisation goes out to humans and focuses almost exclusively on the customer advantage. The team looks at its own organisation from the loyal customer’s viewpoint. In this type of organisation you did a good job when the customer is fully satisfied. Anyone who limitlessly and tirelessly dedicates oneself to solving the customer demand, makes the management happy. Commercial pressure causes stress.

What throws a relationship-oriented organisation off balance?

  • (commercial) time pressure
  • a customer who does not really know what he wants
  • employees who leave

How can a relationship-oriented organisation grow?

  • improve the internal organisation
  • improve the sales organisation

and do the C²RM Scan